Pay it Forward

happy face

Have you received or gifted a Pay It Forward card? Share the joy by telling your Pay it Forward experience here. Your story keeps the Pay It Forward momentum going and may also inspire others to do random acts of kindness. It’s a small world. Being kind to one another reminds us that we’re in it together.

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward Stories

Entry 1
Name (or Anonymous): Anonymous
Date: May 28, 2017
Location: exhibition grounds
I have…: gifted a Pay It Forward card to someone
Share the details of your Pay It Forward story here: when i was at the color classic show i over heard you talk to an older lady and you said your dream was to own a bay horse and an appy too so i put a pay it forward card in a brown bag with a book on appaloosa horses that was in my trailer and left it on your lawn chair,,, i hope you enjoy the book as much as i have!

Entry 2
Name (or Anonymous): Matt
Date: May 29, 2017
Location: Brooklyn, Hants West
I have…: received a Pay It Forward card from someone
Share the details of your Pay It Forward story here: whoever left this happy face card and note on my windshield ….. thanks for the compliment and for making my day

Entry 3
Name (or Anonymous): Lisa P.
Date: May 29, 2017
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
I have…: received a Pay It Forward card from someone
Share the details of your Pay It Forward story here: I was having a shit day and didn’t want to leave the house after my tooth broke yesterday. Thank god I was able to get an emergency appointment this morning. It ended up that my appointment ran later than expected. When I came out of the dentist office I expected to find a parking ticket on my windshield. Instead I found this card and twenty minutes remaining on the meter. Thank you for putting coin into my expired meter! Now I definitely feel like smiling and will be sure to pay it forward to someone else!!!

Entry 4
Name (or Anonymous): Jenn
Date: May 30, 2017
Location: Windsor, NS
I have…: received a Pay It Forward card from someone
Share the details of your Pay It Forward story here: thank you to the kind gentleman who paid for my coffee at the Tim Horton’s drive-thru on Wentworth Road. you’re thoughtfulness definitely put a smile on my face today. 🙂

Entry 5
Name (or Anonymous): Cindy
Date: May 30, 2017
Location: Windsor, Nova Scotia
I have…: received a Pay It Forward card from someone
Share the details of your Pay It Forward story here: Dear anonymous, I found your gift and want to say thank you so much for the beautiful book!!! Me and my mother LOVE LOVE LOVE appaloosa horses so it was really fun and exciting to see all the diffrent colors and styles of them. Maybe this means I will finally get an appy after all!! Mom says THANK YOU to and that the world needs more thoughtfull people like YOU.

Entry 6
Name (or Anonymous): Kathy Chiasson
Date: June 5, 2017
Location: Lower Sackville
I have…: received a Pay It Forward card from someone
Share the details of your Pay It Forward story here: OMG! This morning I ran out the door, down the hill, and across the highway to catch the bus. When I got to the bus stop I sat down to catch my breath but had a panic attack as soon as I realized I left my bus pass on the kitchen table. I didn’t have time to go back nor did I have any change with me. I was ready to cry until this beautiful young angel walked into the bus shelter and sat next to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this card and for offering to pay for my bus ride. I was so flustered I forgot to ask your name but I’m sure it’s Angel. 🙂 I seriously cannot believe the kindness of strangers.

Entry 7
Name (or Anonymous): Kim
Date: June 6, 2017
Location: Ellershouse, NS
I have…: received a Pay It Forward card from someone
Share the details of your Pay It Forward story here: Dear Sheri, my daughter loves her princess stickers. She calls you the “princess fairy” and wants to thank you for being so nice to her. We both appreciate your random act of kindness. How thoughtful and sweet!

Entry 8
Name (or Anonymous): Terry
Date: June 8, 2017
Location: Hantsport, N.S.
I have…: received a Pay It Forward card from someone
Share the details of your Pay It Forward story here: THANK YOU for leaving this card and a precious pink stone with it for me to find. Beautifully generous! You have no idea how much it means to me and now I am going to pay it forward.

Pay It Forward Ideas

Some Pay It Forward card ideas include: writing an inspirational message on the back of the card and leaving it for someone to find, paying for the person in line behind you, buying someone a coffee, doubling a tip, doing something nice for a homeless person, smiling at a stranger, putting change in an expired parking meter, leaving coin in a vending machine for the next person, giving someone an honest compliment, pinning coupons on a community bulletin board, donating used clothing or books, writing a positive review for a business, letting someone know the difference they’ve made, donating canned goods to the local food bank, volunteering at an animal shelter, offering assistance to the elderly, picking up garbage, being nice to a customer service representative or anything that lets another human being know they are not alone in this world.

You never know how a simple act or gesture might be the light at the end of someone’s tunnel. Would you like some FREE Pay It Forward cards to continue spreading the kindness?

Please send a self-addressed, stamped, business envelope (size no. 10), to:
Pay It Forward, c/o Brad Surette, 5939 Highway 215, Newport, NS B0N 2A0